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术语按字母顺序排列,便于查找。 每个术语都包括一个直接的定义,并在适用的情况下,链接到我们文档中的更详细解释或外部资源。
51%攻击指的是对区块链网络的潜在攻击,其中单个实体或组织能够控制网络大部分的挖矿哈希率。 这种控制允许他们通过改变交易的顺序、阻止新交易获得确认,甚至允许双重支付来破坏网络。 之所以称为“51%攻击”,是因为通常需要至少控制51%的网络哈希率才能成功。
Conflux的全局状态是用一个账户模型来描述的,基本的存储组件称为账户。 每一个能够与Conflux世界交互的参与者,无论是人还是实体,都有其必要的信息以地址和相应状态的键/值对的形式存储在一个账户α中。 详细信息请参考general-accounts。
An address in Conflux is the identifier of an account. It's a unique string of characters that represents the account on the blockchain. The format of the address can differ in different Conflux spaces. There are different formats for espace addresses and Core Space addresses.
// espace address
// Core Space Mainnet address
// Core Space Testnet address
Refer to general-address, core-address, espace-address for more information.
在区块链技术中,区块是交易的集合。 它就像账本或记录簿的一页。 每个区块都与前后的区块相连,形成一连串的区块,因此得名“ 区块链”。 在Conflux中,区块形成树状结构,允许同时产生多个区块。
区块链是一种去中心化和分布式的数字账本,可以跨多台计算机记录交易,使任何涉及的记录都无法在不更改所有后续区块的情况下被追溯性地更改。 这种技术是比特币和以太坊等加密货币的基础,也是Conflux网络的基础技术。
CFX是Conflux网络的原生货币。 It's used to incentivize the maintenance of the Conflux network and charge users for consumption of resources. CFX作为共识机制的奖励、每笔交易的交易费以及DAO投票的工具,在系统稳定性方面发挥着非常重要的作用。
最小的子单位称为Drip,Conflux处理的所有Drip的值都是整数。 一个Conflux定义为10^18 Drip。 Conflux常用的子单位如下:
Multiplier (in Drip) | 名称 |
10^0 | Drip |
10^9 | GDrip |
10^12 | uCFX |
10^18 | Conflux(CFX) |
ChainId & NetworkId
是一个数字,表示一笔交易打算在哪里执行。 它用于防止交易重放攻击。 The chainId of Conflux chains are constant, currently:
- Conflux Core Mainnet:
- Conflux Core Testnet:
- Conflux eSpace Mainnet:
- Conflux eSpace Testnet:
用于在网络层区分不同的区块链。 目前Conflux主网/测试网的networkId
相同。 你可以从cfx_getStatus
The Conflux Ecosystem refers to the various projects, applications, platforms, and services that are built on or integrated with the Conflux network. This includes decentralized applications (DApps), decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms, wallet services, and more. The Conflux Ecosystem is a vibrant and growing community of developers, users, and organizations that contribute to the Conflux network.
Conflux Scan
Conflux Scan is the official blockchain explorer for the Conflux network. It provides a user-friendly, details-driven interface for users to view, confirm, and inspect transactions and contracts on the Conflux network. With Conflux Scan, users can track the status of their transactions, view the balance of their accounts, explore smart contracts, and much more.
A consensus algorithm is a process in computer science used to achieve agreement on a single data value among distributed processes or systems. In the context of blockchain, it's used to agree on the (total) order of transactions. Conflux uses a unique consensus algorithm based on a Tree-Graph structure, which allows for high throughput and low latency in large-scale decentralized networks.
In the context of Conflux, DAG is used to represent the block structure of the Conflux network. Unlike traditional blockchain systems that follow a linear chain, Conflux forms a DAG structure of blocks, allowing for multiple blocks to be produced concurrently. This structure is key to Conflux's ability to achieve high throughput and low latency.
A decentralized application (DApp) is a computer application that runs on a distributed computing system such as a blockchain. Unlike traditional applications that run on centralized servers, DApps leverage the power of blockchain's peer-to-peer network to provide transparency, immutability, and resistance to censorship. The typical framework of a DApp includes 2 layers: the front-end or user interface, and the smart contracts running on the blockchain acting as the back-end logic. The front-end, developed using standard languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, interacts with the blockchain through smart contracts. These smart contracts, written in languages like Solidity, define the rules and logic of the DApp, and are stored and executed on the blockchain, ensuring consistent and trustless operation.
Double spending is a potential flaw in a digital cash scheme in which a single digital token can be spent more than once. This is possible because a digital token consists of a digital file that can be duplicated or falsified. The Conflux network, like other blockchain networks, uses a consensus mechanism to prevent double spending.
In Conflux, an epoch is a fundamental unit used to update the world state, setting it apart from blockchain like Bitcoin or Ethereum, where updates are done by block. An epoch in Conflux is a specific partitioning of blocks that determines their total order. This partitioning is based on the pivot chain in a Tree-Graph structure, and the pivot block will be the last block in each epoch. Once the pivot chain is determined and not reverted, the partition of epochs becomes immutable, meaning the order of transactions and execution results cannot be changed.
ERC20是以太坊区块链上代币的标准。 它规定了代币合约必须实现的一组函数和事件。 这是以太坊网络上的标准,但Conflux网络上的代币也可以遵循这个标准,特别是通过Zero Gravity protocol从以太坊网络转移过来的代币。